
Explorations are the primary method to earn $PIXIZ. Explorations are available only to holders of a Yetiz NFT.

Some explorations are only available on certain maps. Access to these maps is determined by the amount of energy you have. However, be careful, as some explorations are very dangerous.

All explorations are based on similar factors but have different chances of gains and risks:

  1. Energy - Each exploration requires a minimum amount of energy to start. The more energy an exploration demands, the greater the rewards and the higher the difficulty.

  2. Yetiz Health Attribute - Each exploration requires a minimum amount of health on the selected NFT.

  3. Yetiz Exploration Attribute - The higher the selected Yetiz's exploration attribute, the greater the chance to multiply gains by 2, 3, or 5 times.

  4. Yetiz Speed Attribute - Each mission lasts a certain amount of time. The higher your Yetiz's speed, the faster it will complete the mission.

  5. Yetiz Luck Attribute - Your NFT has a chance of ending up in jail. The higher your Yetiz's luck, the lower the chance of it ending up in jail.

  6. Yetiz Fight Attribute - The higher your Yetiz's fight attribute, the more XP it will gain after each exploration..

You will recover all your energy when you complete the exploration.

At the end of each mission, you can directly claim your rewards and recover your energy

But be careful, your Yetiz can also end up in jail 🚨

Depending on the difficulty of the mission, your NFT will be locked in jail for a certain number of hours! You will then have 2 choices:

  • Wait for the time to expire to recover your NFT

  • Pay to release your NFT immediately

Last updated